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Hi everyone!  SHARON JACKSON here this is my new chartiy adventure!
I am aiming to raise $10,000 for Cure Cancer Australia Foundation.
I’m climbing the 5,895 vertical metres of Mt Kilimanjaro in honour of all people touched by Cancer.
I am yet to find anyone who hasn't been touched by this devastating disease in some way. 
I would love any contribution, great or small (although the bigger the better!), that you could make.
When / if you donate I would love you to let me know who you are giving in honour of…
Please note that all funds raised are going to Cure Cancer Australia Foundation as I am paying for the trip myself.


***In honour of Dorothy Rose Ann Jackson***
***In honour of Lesley Ann Tooth*** 
***In honour of Julie Owens***
***In honour of Robert John Nolan (Danny)***
***In honour of Jodie's Nanna***
***In honour of Joe Fornito***
***In honour of Joanne Green***
***In honour of Jan Wania***
***In honour of Joan and Elizabeth Pitcher***
***In honour of Sergeant Major Emmit M Higgins***
***In honour of Gary Cameron***
***In honour of David Harding***
***In honour of Valerie Elaine Naramura***
***In honour of Peggy Gavin***
***In honour of Hilda***
***In honour of Tony Hunter***
***In honour of Annie Boden***
***In honour of Patrick Carr***


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Cure Cancer Australia Foundation

We are dedicated to backing brave thinking and kick-starting new ideas in cancer research. By funding the top 1% of bright new projects led by the most brilliant minds in science, we create new opportunities to save lives. Our community of fundraisers, corporate partners, researchers, and institutions work tirelessly to take on every cancer and find impactful solutions and work together to bring them to life in record time. With this shared purpose and bold ambition, we dare to ask ourselves the one question that can change everything: What if we cure cancer? We know we can.

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